The Write More Write Now Mindset
What is the Write More Write Now (WMWN) mindset? It’s the beautiful cohesion of saying yes to your desire to write woven with your purpose for your words, and your belief in yourself coupled with the strong fiber to give yourself grace.
Your desire to write is real. It’s important to you. It’s important to God.
Creativity isn’t a gift
We are all born with a level of creativity..
Your creativity, your writing, begins with Father God. The very foundations of the universe in which we live began with “God created.” The heavens, the earth, the oceans, and all living things began with God creating them. We are his workmanship. And while the creatures may have a creative life (just look at a spider web or the weaving a tiny hummingbird nest) only we created God’s creativity. We can think and create something not yet imagined.
In Genesis chapter 1, God stated he made us in His likeness… therefore we have his creative DNA coursing through our veins.
Creativity isn’t a gift that only certain lucky individuals possess. We all have God’s Holy DNA. Therefore, we all have creativity. Whether we choose to use it in the capacity of our bents of nature is up to us.
The Write More Write Now mindset embraces this divine and beautiful call of our creativity of writing.
We steward our creativity
Just as we steward the time to care for our family or our hygiene needs…
We don’t wait on creativity to hit us or come upon us. We steward our life to stir up our creativity. That’s why the writing life is multi-dimensional. Sometimes we are stirring up an abundance of words to fall on the page.
But, just as in cooking, sometimes you have to stop stirring and let the batter rest. It’s not a bad thing. It’s a good thing. Even in the resting, we are stewarding our creativity.
Then, sometimes it’s time to birth our words and let them soar. It’s time to let our world read our words. The resting, the birthing, and everything in between is part of the stewardship of our creativity.
We Lean Into Grace
Living in regret or indecision is not how our Father wants us to think or live.
This is where grace abounds. In the knowing of where you are in your writing life. Whether it’s in the writing, the resting, or letting go of your words. You cannot spend too much time looking at the writer beside you. They are not on the same path as you are walking and writing. They have their own path, and their own timetable. As a mentor once told me, “Stay in your lane.” Or, as I like to say now, “Stay on your page.”
Only you know what’s on your page – and what help you need…
Words Rule the World in Place or in Flight
Sometimes we hold something close to our heart because we love it. At other times, we hold it close to our hearts because we’re afraid of losing it.
Many times when we see our grandson, I give him another one of my long “Meme” hugs. I love him so much, I hold him as close and as long as he’ll let me.
Then, I remember that time when we had dropped our son off at college, and that long hug I gave him. It was a moment of realization that he had grown and made a big step to being on his own. But, Mama Bear was oh so very hesitant about putting him “out there” into the world.
Our words, our book…they are our babies. We hold our writing close, in a little of both ways. We love our words. And sometimes we have to let our words fly.
The words we write are a part of our soul being given life through the power of letters and sentences. They mean a lot to us.
Because of our love for our words, it’s easy to hold too long. We hold them in our hearts and hesitate to write. Why is this? Why is it that something we want to do, we don’t do?
I see a bit of Paul in us when we do that. If you remember Romans 7:19-20 he spoke to the fact that he didn’t do the good he wanted to do. Instead, he did that which he didn’t want to do.
But, why? Why are we like that?
I’m drawn to the phrase “procrastination is rooted in fear”.
I truly believe that’s why so many writers don’t finish “the book”. In fact, they may go off and write and create other things…but not the BIG thing. The story itching to be told. The help that they’re really called to write.
Stuck in fear. But, also stuck in the feeling of sameness.
We fear the next step. The what ifs and the I don’t knows.
What are some fears I’ve heard or read lately?
- I don’t if I like how this story is progressing. I may be writing from the wrong point of view.
- I don’t have the time to write at the pace I used to, so is it worth it to even start?
- I’m not sure about who will read my book.
- I don’t know how to do a query to an agent.
- I don’t know how to..
- I’m not “feeling inspired…”
All those statements are negative. Doesn’t reading them bring you down?
Our words are to be edifying. That means even the words we say to ourselves.
How do we change this? How do we reset our mindset so we can move forward with our writing?
Dear one, we become a proactive writer rather than reactive.
A reactive author writes from a sense of fear and reacting to the surroundings and the problems.
Whereas, a proactive author writes from a sense of control.
We change the energy quickly by changing how we phrase our “opportunity or challenge” rather than calling it a problem. Remember when “The 7-day Challenge to Do the GREAT THING” was such a hit? Challenges inspire us to growth.
Reframe Our Thinking
From: I don’t if I like how this story is progressing. I may be writing from the wrong point of view.
To: Let’s see if I can progress the story further by writing a chapter in a different point of view.
From: I don’t have the time to write at the pace I used to, so is it worth it to even start?
To: I’m going to write now at a slower pace during this season of life (and be FINE with it!)
From: I’m not sure about who will read my book.
To: I’m writing my book first to honor the creativity Father God has given me. That’s the most important.
From: I don’t know how to do a query to an agent.
To: I’m going to research now to query an agent.
From whatever the problem is…
To: Start with a solution first..
Moving our thinking from concentrating on the problem first (and mulling it for a month) to a positive action step. Interesting concept, huh?
Hey, I’m not pointing any fingers. Believe me, I’ve done my fair share of mulling over a problem for a month (or more)!
But that’s where I like to try to take the edge off some of your time and help YOU learn from “growth opportunities”!
If you’ve read this far, then kudos to you. Because now I’ll get to the topic “Words Rule the World.”
Our words whether spoken or written, have the power to either edify and help or bring down and destroy. Good and Evil.
It’s our choice how to use them.
I pray you do realize the importance of your words. That if you have the desire to write, it’s not some willy-nilly fanciful notion. It’s there because it’s part of your creative expression.
And I leave you with one final note..
Science has taught us we use more muscles to frown than to laugh.
Science has also taught us we use more energy gripping tightly rather than loosing and moving freely.
I don’t know about you, but I need to conserve my energy in any way I can.
So, smile and write, freely…
Write More. Write Now.