God Made You a Writer
I’ve been praying a lot about how to better mentor writers. If you want to know how to self-publish your book, I know a couple of great mentors I highly recommend. God hasn’t called me to create courses about how to self-publish your book and all the many facets it entails.
I know coaches who specialize in fiction, and even specific genres of fiction. I know other writing coaches who specifically help non-fiction writers author their book as a platform for their message.
I am a word shepherd. I am one who encourages and guides Christian writers in the importance of writing your words. It boils down to two things – your mindset, and your motion.
Here’s an important mindset lesson.
God Made You to Write.
As a Christian, we all have that calling on our life. We’ve all been extended the invitation from our Father.
In sharing the gospel of the Good News we all have ways to write in some form. From emails, social media posts, texts, handwritten notes, letters, cards, newsletters, blogs, articles, and yes…even books. Christians do a lot of writing and there’s a chance you do too.
But, here’s where there’s a golden nugget. Our Christianity is a faith centered on words.
In Genesis, we read about God creating our world. In Chapter 1, we read the words “God said” ten times. He said it, he spoke it, and it was!
John 1:1 tells us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” God’s son is called the Word!
Writing isn’t an invitation reserved for the dignitaries or higher educated. It’s for everyone. An invitation to all believers. Our writing can be formal or informal. It may be a small written note of encouragement on a sticky note, or a collection of our most meaningful messages for believers.
All Christians are more of a writer than you may think! Even if it’s a card to a distant family member. Your words make an impact.
So, whether you think of yourself as a writer or not. I invite you accept God’s invitation to proclaim the Good News. Be an encourager. Spread kindness. With words…
Isaiah 52:7 reads, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces the good news, “All is well.” He brings the good news, announces salvation, and tells Zion that its God rules as king.”
A word, either written or spoken, is loud.
We’ve all experienced a spoken word that rang in our hearts. Wedding vows spoken in hushed expectation or the first words of a baby to hear the words “Mama” or “Dada”. Just the other day I found an old video of our grandson as a toddler singing “Jesus Loves Me” with his mama. Those are words that melt the heart of any grandparent.
But, we’ve also experienced written words that echo in our mind and hearts. While I may not remember word for word the chapters of the books, I’ve read books that made an impact in my life. Whether it was the fascination of the Little House on the Prairie books, the mysteries of Trixie Beldon and The Hardy Boys, or the Left Behind series – each left immeasurable impressions on my heart.
Then, there’s the unexpected Birthday card, the text from a friend when I least expected it, but when I needed it most.
Yes, written words speak volumes.
Christianity is not a quiet faith, but a loud one, full of words.
Christian Writing Doesn’t Always Publish.
It’s important to remember that in this day when “publishing” is so easily done online, it’s easier than ever before to publish to the world. But, all we write isn’t published. The writing in our journal, or a private note to a loved one is different. Needed. Important. But, different. Sometimes even a social media post is best left unpublished (can I get an amen to the backspace and delete before you write something you’ll later regret?)
Christian publishing, whether in a book, or online somewhere on the Web is public ministry. The act of writing happens alone, but when we publish what we’ve written, we are doing public Christian ministry.
Some of you have the tug in your heart to share your message with the world. Maybe publishing a book is your plan. Perhaps you’re inclined to share your carefully curated message on social media. You may have the opportunity to write devotionals for the Christian marketplace. Or, you may be a part of a letter writing ministry. Each of these outlets are your important opportunity to share your words with the world. There isn’t one way that’s greater than the other!
There’s power in your written words. Words left locked away in your mind will die with you. I know you don’t want that to happen. My mother-in-law passed away with the regret of having never written her stories and songs. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping and encouraging Christian women to write their words. Everything from messages of hope or the witty stories that bring laughter are all part of God’s plan for using this great gift of the human language.
I encourage you today to continue writing. Don’t give up.
And, if you haven’t started, what are you waiting for? Start today! Even fifteen minutes a day starts moving the pen in your favor!
In closing, here’s a little something I put together for you. It’s written in the style of radio broadcaster Paul Harvey’s speech “So God Made a Farmer”.