Writing Inspirational Devotionals
Writing inspirational devotionals can be a real joy for many writers. In fact, I discovered self-publishing by writing an inspirational devotional for an anthology. Here are five quick tips to help you in writing your devotionals.
Scripture: This may sound obvious, but it may surprise you how this tiny detail may get skipped. Plus, there are various types of inspirational type books. Some don’t use scripture. They may use a positive word or a quote. Make sure you are clear on the expectations from the publisher, coordinator, or yourself you’re self-publishing.
Short Story or Illustration: You can base your devotional around anything such as:
- scripture
- folklore
- the news
- personal experiences
When you write, do so as a short story or an illustration. The best story and illustration examples are the parables of Jesus. He spoke about life as they knew it. I believe that’s one reason the multitude flocked to him. It will help attract your readers into your message. Your hope is they feel some sense of connection with what you are sharing with them.
Application Area: Besides the subject of your devotion, include an interaction or application section. This ending is your last chance to deliver your core message. It may be a closing prayer, a thought, or a journal prompt. It’s a little something to encourage the reader to interact with the lesson you shared.
Numbering System: Many people like to keep up with the devotional readings. But they may find it hard to do so. Help your readers by lining up your devotional with a calendar or numbering system. Keep them interested in your message by placing it in a context that is familiar to them.
A Theme: A consistent theme may help people finish your devotional. It can confuse readers if your devotions are all over the map with topics. Your message will be more touching if you use a consistent topic for each day’s devotion.
Of course, after writing your piece you’ll want to decide places to submit it to. Or, you may decide to venture into the world of self-publishing. Those two points alone are the foundation to a long series of blog posts. But, the most important thing is to start writing the draft now. Your words matter!
If you would like a little more help with writing your devotionals, I have a workbook that will help you.